Property Information

Property Information Online
Online enquiry on:- saleable area, age and permitted occupation purposes of domestic properties (excluding village type houses);
- rateable values of properties contained in the Valuation Lists and/or Government Rent Rolls for the latest three years of assessment; and
- rates and/or Government rent accounts.

Hong Kong Property Review
An annual publication reviewing the state of property market in the previous calendar year. It contains information and statistical data on stock, completions, take-up, vacancy, forecast completions in the coming two years, average rents, prices and indices for each main property type.

Hong Kong Property Review Monthly Supplement
A monthly update of certain statistics in the Hong Kong Property Review, principally prices and rents, sales transactions and completions.

Summary Statistics on Valuation List and Government Rent Roll (xls file) 
Names of Buildings
“Names of Buildings” is updated quarterly to include names, addresses and years of completions of buildings in Hong Kong. The building list is by no means exhaustive but every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of this publication.
Volume 1 - Hong Kong Island and Kowloon
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