Building Number
The Rating and Valuation Department is responsible for allocating building numbers throughout Hong Kong and ensuring display of correct building numbers. Under the Buildings Ordinance (Cap. 123), the Commissioner of Rating and Valuation is empowered to serve an order requiring the owner of a building to mark the building with the allocated building number.
A person who, without reasonable excuse, fails to comply with the display order issued by the Commissioner of Rating and Valuation under Section 32(2) of the Buildings Ordinance, commits an offence under Section 40(1C) of the Buildings Ordinance, with the maximum penalty being a fine of $2,000 and imprisonment for 6 months.
Proper Display of Building Number
Guidelines for displaying clearly visible building numbers:
- The number should be located above or at either side of the entrance to the premises and should not be obscured.
- The recommended minimum height and width for each number is 50mm and 40mm respectively.
- The colour of the number or number plate should contrast clearly with its background.
- Damaged numbers should be repaired and missing numbers replaced as soon as possible.
In addition to building numbers, for the convenience of the public, owners and occupiers are advised to display unit designations, signages and names of arcades, buildings and streets in both English and Chinese versions.
As the way of displaying building numbers differs and number plates also vary in size and colour, owners and occupiers can refer to the practice note issued by the Department in 2007 which set out the principles on allocation of building numbers and show the proper way of displaying building numbers.
The Department has launched promotion activities regularly through the mass media concerning owners’ duty to display correct building numbers. At present, the Department also conducts district-based Building Numbering Campaign to remind the relevant parties to display building numbers properly. The correct display of building numbers enables public services, like postal and emergency services, to be provided more efficiently.
Inform RVD on Non-Display of Building Numbers
If you have come across any shops/buildings which have not displayed their building numbers, please provide information to the Department for follow-up action by completing
- the Building Numbering Leaflet (pdf file)*
- Home Affairs Enquiry Centres of the Home Affairs Department; and
- the Enquiry Counter of the Department on 15th Floor, Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon.
- the Report Form for Non-display Cases of Building Numbers
*Hard copy of the leaflet is also available from:
Upon receipt of the information, we will take appropriate follow-up action.
Frequently Asked Questions about Building Number