Methods of Payment
- The most timesaving and convenient method.
- The bank account will only be debited on the last day for payment.
- Direct Debit Authorisation Form (pdf file)
can be completed and processed at the bank directly.
Bank Automated Teller Machine (ATM)
- ATM cardholders may pay at any ATMs with "Bill Payment Service" or "JET PAYMENT" signage.
- No pre-registration is required.
- Payment made before midnight of the last day for payment is regarded as on-time payment.
- For enquiries :
Treasury Hotline 2845 8866 JETCO Hotline 2520 1747 HSBC Customer Service Hotline 2748 3322 Hang Seng Bank Customer Service Hotline 2822 0228
"PPS" (24-hour Service)
- Pre-registration of a PPS account is required. For details, please visit The Treasury's website : - Payment made before midnight of the last day for payment is regarded as on-time payment.
- The no. of daily payments per bill is up to 3.
- For enquiries : 90 000 222 329
Payment means :
- Via internet under eRVD Bill System (for registered eRVD Bill customers only)
- Via internet under PPS website :
- By phone : 18031 (merchant code "09")
Through Internet
- Payment can be made through the internet, please visit The Treasury's website :
Faster Payment System (FPS)
- Use any supporting mobile banking app or e-wallet to scan the FPS QR code printed on the quarterly demand to make payment.
- Please visit the website of Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited for the list of banks and e-wallets that support the Government FPS bill payments .
- No pre-registration is required.
- Payment made before midnight of the last day for payment is regarded as on-time payment.
- For details, please refer to FPS Bill Payment Leaflet or visit The Treasury’s website:
e-Cheque / e-Cashier’s Order
- e-Cheques / e-Cashier’s Orders should be made payable to “The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region” or ‘The Government of the HKSAR’.
- Please visit the “Pay e-Cheque” portal at, select Rating and Valuation Department and the appropriate bill type, enter the bill account number, payment amount and upload the e-Cheque / e-Cashier’s Order to make payment.
- For details, please visit The Treasury’s website :
- Instruction for e-Cheque / e-Cashier’s Order payment given before midnight of the last day for payment is regarded as on-time payment.
By Post
- Cheques should be crossed and made payable to “The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region”.
- Please address to the Treasury, P.O. Box No. 28000, Sham Shui Po Post Office, Hong Kong.
- The postmark date will be regarded as the date of payment.
- Please ensure sufficient mailing time and postage. Underpaid mail will be rejected.
In Person
Post Office :
- Payable at any of the post offices (except mobile post offices). The cash payment shall be below HK$120,000 per day, per bill or per transaction.
- For enquiries, please call Hongkong Post’s hotline 2921 2222 or visit Hong Kong Post’s
Convenience Store :
- Payable at any 7-Eleven, Circle K Convenience Stores (HK) Limited (Circle K), China Resources VanGO Convenience Store (VanGO) and U select in Hong Kong.
- Only cash is accepted at 7-Eleven, while both cash and EPS are accepted at Circle K, VanGO and U select. The maximum limit for each cash transaction is HK$5,000 and that for EPS transaction is subject to the card issuer’s EPS daily limit.
Please retain the receipt for payment record.